Hang customizable masks

More than 25 years of experience

We are specialists in the manufacture and customization of ribbons for luxury packaging. We offer a wide variety of fabrics, such as Satin Satin or Gros-Grain among others, and different types of printing such as screen printing, digital sublimation and the most elegant Jacquard.

Specialists in personnel accreditation products


Masks are already the essential accessory when it comes to guaranteeing safety before leaving home, they have transformed the industry by becoming a fashion accessory and have also generated a circle of products around them.

The most demanded accessory are the mask hangers, similar or the same as those used to hang glasses, a mobile phone or an accreditation, lanyard type. The mask hangers allow you to hold the mask while it is not being worn, thus also avoiding its fall and possible contamination, as well as obtaining greater comfort.

Mask hangers are ideal for times when you have to temporarily remove your mask and you don’t want to leave it lying anywhere. It hangs easily from the neck in a comfortable and hygienic way.
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